Be Your Own Cheerleader Video Tip: My Most Important Piece of Advice

In this quick clip from Neelu’s LinkedIn Live with Kelly from Equipt Women, Neelu shares her one biggest tip for quietening your inner imposter and learning to appreciate your own skills.



Kelly: If you had one thing that you could say to all of us as we, you know, just wake up each day and wanna put our best foot forward, what's one thing we could do to be our own cheerleader on a daily basis?

Neelu: You know, it's interesting, I struggle with it still and I'm a solopreneur, so I'm constantly in selling mode and I still struggle with, you know, talking about my credentials or whatnot.

I think the one thing we can all do is talk about our accomplishments in third person.

I've noticed with the people I've coached, when I have you pretend like you are talking about yourself — so you would say, Neelu did X, Y, Z, or Neelu just wrote this — you are much more inclined to get that self-promotion, self-advocacy, muscle flexed.

And once you start doing it a little bit more, you might feel like, hey, I can be in first person and talk about my accomplishments. But it's usually a great exercise to do when you start feeling like, am I being too boastful? You know, you would do that for your sister or your best friend, so, in this instance, when we talk about ourselves in third person, it's really a way for us to have that same loving, compassionate approach as we would if it was our best friend.


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